Masimo Direct Connect Sensors
SKU: 2053, 2256, 4325, 4653, 2201, 1396Masimo sensors that connect directly to the monitor
2053: RED DCI-DC3 All in one cable and reusable Adult SpO2, 3 ft. (Image 1)
2256: Red DCIP-dc3, Direct Connect Sensor Pediatric Reusable (Image 2)
4325: Adult/Pediatric/Infant Reusable Sensor, 3 ft. Weight ≥ 3 kg (Image 3)
4653: Multisite Reusable Sensor, 3 ft. Weight > 1 kg (Image 4)
2201: Rainbow DCI-dc3 Adult, 3 ft (SpO2, SpCO & SpMet) (Image 5)
1396: DCSC, Adult Reusable Sensor 3 ft (White end) (Image 6)